by Herring & Herring Law | Jan 27, 2014 | Criminal Defense, Florida Legal News, General, Marijuana
The Florida Supreme Court approved a proposed constitutional amendment to allow the medical use of marijuana. Florida voters will get a chance to decide for themselves on the November ballot. The 74-word ballot, summing up a proposed amendment, will read: Allows the...
by Herring & Herring Law | Jan 21, 2014 | Florida Legal News, Uncategorized
Florida Long-Arm jurisdiction and the Internet Has the proliferation of the internet affected the way Florida court’s determine whether Florida’s long-arm jurisdiction applies. In determining whether long-arm jurisdiction applies a two-step process is...
by Herring & Herring Law | Oct 24, 2013 | Florida Legal News, Personal Injury, Uncategorized
The majority of Seminole County residents prepared for work this morning and relished in the fact that Florida has finally accepted the change of seasons. While we look forward to the a change in temperature, it is human nature to be averse to a lifestyle change. It...